Networking life
"Complex Networks in the Life Sciences" is a satellite meeting of the EBSA 2019 Biophysics Congress. We will cover the application of network science to nature at all scales, from genetic or metabolic networks to social networks, ecology or climate. The plan is to join together people who work in the frontier between biology or environmental sciences and complex networks and discuss in a friendly environment about the present and future of the discipline.
Invited speakers
Jan Haerter Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Invasion-extinction dynamics in Lotka-Volterra food webs
Invasion-extinction dynamics in Lotka-Volterra food webs
Luce Prignano University of Barcelona
Open doors outreach event in Spanish: Interacciones que dejan huella. Hacia una Ciencia de Redes de los objetos que quedaron.
Open doors outreach event in Spanish: Interacciones que dejan huella. Hacia una Ciencia de Redes de los objetos que quedaron.
Hugo Saiz University of Bern
Exploring biotic interactions in plant communities with networks
Exploring biotic interactions in plant communities with networks
Enrico Ser-Giacomi LOCEAN, CNRS, Paris
Marine organisms ecology and networks of fluid transport in the ocean
Marine organisms ecology and networks of fluid transport in the ocean
Albert Solé-Ribalta Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona
Microscopic analysis of congestion in transportation networks
Microscopic analysis of congestion in transportation networks
Our meeting is a satellite of the EBSA 2019 Biophysics Congress. We thankfully acknowledge funding from the European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA). You can come to our meeting without registering to the main event, but we encourage you not to miss the opportunity to attend such an exciting congress! So here is a special offer: if you register to our workshop and the main congress, you can pay the early fee for the main event (even though the deadline is already gone!). How does that sound?
The Regional Archaeological Museum of Madrid kindly offers its seminar room for the celebration of the meeting. We are really excited about the opportunity to discuss our science in such a historical building in the heart of a monumental city like Alcalá de Henares.
Organizers: Jacobo Aguirre and Saúl Ares, Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology (CNB) - CSIC, Madrid, Spain